The ice rink - Visionite Arena
Here we have gathered information on how you can most easily get by bus to/from the Ice Hall – Visionite Arena. The local buses are called Ultra and are blue or green. With the app "Ultra – Umeå's public transport" you can easily and safely arrange the trip, both for you and your friends and family.
The following bus routes operate in connection with the Ice Hall – Visionite Arena
Line 2 (departures from Umeå city centre (Vasaplan) is signposted in Söderslätt's commercial area). The nearest stop is the Ishallen stop.
Line 9 (departures from Umeå city centre (Vasaplan)) is signposted Röbäck. The nearest stop is the stop Tegs Centralskola.
Departures from Umeå city center (Vasaplan)
Line 2 towards Söderslätt's commercial area – location P.
Line 9 towards Röbäck – position P.
Hole site map Vasaplan.
Departures from the Ice Hall – Visionite Arena
Line 2 towards the Söderslätts shopping area or the Ersoda shopping area. Ice rink stop.
Line 9 towards Röbäck or Carlshöjd. Stop Tegs Centralskola.
Plan and buy your ticket in the Ultra app
Download the app "Ultra-Umeås lokaltrafik" so you can check both bus times, see where the bus is in real time and easily buy your ticket. As a visitor, a good tip is to buy our visitor card.
The visitor card gives you free travel on public transport for 24 hours (70 SEK) or 72 hours (150 SEK).
If you come to Umeå by bus, plane or train
- If you are coming to Umeå by bus, download the app tabussen.nu.
- If you are travelling by train, Norrtåg.se or sj.se
- If you come by plane, take line 80 (the airport bus) into the city center