Line information and stops
Here you will find maps of Ultra's bus routes and stops. Under each map image there is a description of what the map shows.
Route information Umeå urban area (a jpg with line information not for navigation)
Route information direct buses (a jpg with route information not for navigation)
Line information night buses (a jpg with route information not for navigation)
Bus stop locations Vasaplan (a jpg with bus stop information)
Bus stops at the University Hospital (a picture with bus stop information)

Line information Umeå urban area
Description of the image above. The picture shows which stops bus lines 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 pass/arrive after the line. In the picture, the termini for each line is clarified and the hub for all lines is Vasaplan.
Line 1
Line 1 runs between Umedalen and Östra Ersboda. It serves the following stops:
- Paradisgränd
- Alley of Joy
- The Alley of Promise
- Kyrkvägen
- Klockarvägen
- Hedvägen
- Kungsänget
- Kronoparksvägen
- Gabrieljansvägen
- Hartvigsgatan
- City Border Road
- Ängesvägen
- The Dragon School
- Smedsgatan
- City hall
- Renmarkstorget - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
- The parish hall
- Fabriksgatan
- Ö.Strandgatan
- Östermalmsgatan
- University Hospital - walking distance to the train station Umeå Östra
- Social Sciences Building
- Liljansberget
- Mariehems C
- Nydala
- Mariehemshöjd
- Marieberg
- Mariebergsskolan
- Hermelinvägen
- Fogvägen
- Bruksvägen
- S. Slevgränd
- Byttgränd
- The core road
- Ö.Ersboda
Line 2
Line 2 runs between the Söderslätt shopping area and the Ersboda shopping area. It serves the following stops:
- Söderslätt's commercial area
- Market Street
- The ice rink
- Teg Central School
- Tegs C
- (Obbolavägen) - the stop is only served in the direction of Vasaplan
- Varvsgatan
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
- The parish hall
- Ö. Norrlandsgatan
- Gammlia
- Fridhemsvägen
- The ski track
- Universe
- Greenhouse
- IKSU Hall
- Glacier Street
- Rullstensgatan
- Ice Age Street
- Mariehems C
- Nydala
- Mariehemshöjd
- Marieberg
- Mariebergsskolan
- Hermelinvägen
- Fogvägen
- The Form Road
- Erboda shopping area
During individual trips, line 2 stops also pass the stops Kylgränd, Snipgränd and Västra Ersboda Centrum.
Line 3
Line 3 runs between the Regiment and Vasaplan. It serves the following stops:
- Midgårdsskolan
- Nygatan - the stop is not served between 12 noon and 7 p.m. every day in the direction of Umeå Centrum
- Renmarkstorget - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
Line 5
Line 5 runs between Strömpilen and Ersmark. It serves the following stops:
- Tegelbruksvägen
- Strömpilen
- Dam
- Kolbäcksvägen
- Gneiss Road
- The Flint Road
- Carlslid
- Ålidhems C
- Ålidhöjd
- Greenhouse
- Universe
- University Hospital - walking distance to the train station Umeå Östra
- Östermalmsgatan
- Ö.Strandgatan
- Fabriksgatan
- The parish hall
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
- Renmarkstorget - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Nygatan - the stop is not served between 12 noon and 7 p.m. every day in the direction of Umeå Centrum
- Löjtnantsgatan - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Parkvägen
- The Sun End
- Dalstigen
- Vallarestigen
- Kapellvägen
- The Wolf Road
- Mårdvägen
- Fogvägen
- Ystarvägen
- V.Ersboda C
- Snipgränd
- Måttgränd
- Ersforsen S
- Ersforsen N
- Bridge
- Gärssjöbäcksvägen
- The twilight road
- Wednesday Road
- Aftonvägen
- Ersmark
Line 7
Line 7 runs between Rödäng and Mariehem. It serves the following stops:
- Punavuori
- Rödäng
- The cornet path
- Västerslätts C
- Hedlundakyrkan
- The Dragon School
- Smedsgatan
- City hall
- Renmarkstorget - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
- Tuvgränd
- Sports Hall
- Gammlia
- The off-road road
- Magnusdalsvägen
- Mustikkantie
- (Trastvägen) - the stop is only served in the direction of Morkullantie
- (Bräntbergsskolan) - the stop is only operated in the direction of Morkullevägen
- (Morkullevägen) - the stop is only operated in the direction of Vasaplan
- Nydala - the stop is only served in the direction of Vasaplan
- Mariehems C - the stop is only served in the direction of Vasaplan
Line 8
Line 8 runs between Tomtebo and Östra Ersboda. It serves the following stops:
- Lyktvägen
- The source location
- Tomteboparken
- Nornaplatsen
- The Fairy's Way
- The Mineral Road
- Ålidhems C
- Ålidhöjd
- Greenhouse
- Universe
- University Hospital - walking distance to the train station Umeå Östra
- Östermalmsgatan
- Ö.Strandgatan
- Fabriksgatan
- The parish hall
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
- Renmarkstorget - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Nygatan - the stop is not served between 12 noon and 7 p.m. every day in the direction of Umeå Centrum
- (Regimentet) - the stop is only operated in the direction of Vasaplan
- Kylgränd
- Snipgränd
- V.Ersboda C
- Ostkroken
- Byttgränd
- The core road
- Ö.Ersboda
Line 9
Line 9 runs between Röbäck and Carlshöjd. It serves the following stops:
- The Mantle Road
- Rosettvägen
- Röbäcks C
- Grusåsvägen
- Travbanevägen
- Klarbärsvägen
- Pear Road
- Juniper Road
- Wild Strawberries
- The outer turn
- Tegs Central School
- Tegs C
- (Obbolavägen) - the stop is only served in the direction of Vasaplan
- Varvsgatan
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
- The parish hall
- Fabriksgatan
- Ö.Strandgatan
- Östermalmsgatan
- University Hospital - walking distance to the train station Umeå Östra
- Klintvägen
- Laboratorvägen
- The Assistant's Road
- The student path
- Kolbäcksvägen
- Porphyry Road
- The Quarter Road
- Carlshöjd
Route information direct buses lines 72-81

Description of the picture Lines 72-81 above. The picture shows which stops bus lines 72, 75, 76, 78 and 81 pass/arrive after the line. In the picture, the termini for each line is clarified and the hub for all lines is Vasaplan.
Line 72
Line 72 runs between Umedalen and the University. It serves the following stops:
- Paradisgränd
- Alley of Joy
- The Alley of Promise
- Kyrkvägen
- Klockarvägen
- Hedvägen
- Kungsänget
- Kruunuppuisto Road
- Gabrieljansvägen
- Hartvigsgatan
- Sandåkern
- (Dragonfield 507) - the stop is only served in the direction of the University
- Järnvägstorget - walking distance to Umeå C train station
- (Fridhem) - the stop is operated in only one direction
- University Hospital - walking distance to the train station Umeå Östra
- Universe
- Greenhouse
- IKSU Hall
- Glacier Street
Line 75
Line 75 runs between Innertavle and Vasaplan. It serves the following stops:
- Hästhagsvägen
- Kajsa Söders väg
- Sillviksvägen
- Tavleån
- Brännbackavägen
- Tavleliden
- Skogsfruvägen
- The Mineral Road
- Ålidhems C
- Ålidhöjd
- Greenhouse
- Universe
- University Hospital - walking distance to the train station Umeå Östra
- (Fridhem) - the stop is operated in only one direction
- Ö. Norrlandsgatan
- The parish hall
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
Line 76
Route 76 runs between Ersmark and Vasaplan. It serves the following stops:
- Ersmark
- Aftonvägen
- Wednesday Road
- The twilight road
- Gärssjöbäcksvägen
- Bridge
- Ersforsen N
- Ersforsen S
- Måttgränd
- Kylgränd
- (Regimentet) - the stop is operated in only one direction;
- Nygatan - the stop is not served between 12 noon and 7 p.m. every day in the direction of Umeå Centrum
- Renmarkstorget - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
Line 78
Line 78 runs between Forslundagymnasiet and Vasaplan. It serves the following stops:
- Forslundagymnasiet
- Bilprovningen - the stop is only served by certain services
- ICA - the stop is only served by certain services
- Såifa - the stop is only served by certain tours
- Kontaktvägen - the stop is only served by certain services
- Banankompaniet - the stop is only served by certain services
- Förrådsvägen - the stop is only served by certain services
- Railroad - the stop is only served by certain services
- VK - the stop is only served by certain services
- The soldier's cottage
- (Vaktvägen 363) - the stop is only served in the direction of Forslundagymnasiet
- Nygatan - the stop is not served between 12 noon and 7 p.m. every day in the direction of Umeå Centrum
- Renmarkstorget - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
Line 81
Route 81 runs between Klockarbäcken and Vasaplan. It serves the following stops:
- Lillbäcken
- Klockarbäcken
- Prästsjödiket
- The trade route
- Paradisgränd
- Alley of Joy
- The Alley of Promise
- Kyrkvägen
- Klockarvägen
- Hedvägen
- Kronoparken
- The Strip Road
- Aspvägen
- Hartvigsgatan
- Sandåkern
- Västerslätt Centrum
- Hedlundakyrkan
- The Dragon School
- Smedsgatan
- City hall
- Renmarkstorget - walking distance to the train station Umeå C
- Vasaplan - walking distance to Umeå C train station
Route information night buses

The picture above shows which stops bus lines 1, 2, 5, 8 and 9 pass/arrive after the line on the night of Saturday and Sunday.
Line 1
Line 1 runs between Umedalen and Östra Ersboda. On the night of Saturday and Sunday, it serves the following stops:
- Paradisgränd
- Alley of Joy
- The Alley of Promise
- Kyrkvägen
- Klockarvägen
- Hedvägen
- Kungsänget
- Kronoparksvägen
- Gabrieljansvägen
- Hartvigsgatan
- City Border Road
- Ängesvägen
- The Dragon School
- Smedsgatan
- City hall
- Renmarkstorget
- Vasaplan
- (Församlingsgården) - the stop is only served in the direction of Umedalen
- Provincial government
- Rautatiekatu
- Östermalmsgatan
- University hospital
- Social Sciences Building
- Liljansberget
- Mariehems C
- Nydala
- Mariehemshöjd
- Marieberg
- Mariebergsskolan
- Hermelinvägen
- Fogvägen
- Bruksvägen
- S. Slevgränd
- Byttgränd
- The core road
- Ö.Ersboda
Line 2
Line 2 runs between Vasaplan and Fogvägen. On the night of Saturday and Sunday, it serves the following stops:
- Vasaplan
- (Församlingsgården) - the stop is only served in the direction of Vasaplan
- Gammlia
- Fridhemsvägen
- The ski track
- Universe
- Greenhouse
- Glacier Street
- Rullstensgatan
- Ice Age Street
- Mariehems C
- Nydala
- Mariehemshöjd
- Marieberg
- Mariebergsskolan
- Hermelinvägen
- Fogvägen
Line 5
Line 5 runs between Carlshem and Ersmark. On the night of Saturday and Sunday, it serves the following stops:
- Gneiss Road
- The Flint Road
- Carlslid
- The Mineral Road
- Ålidhems C
- Ålidhöjd
- Greenhouse
- Universe
- University hospital
- Östermalmsgatan
- Rautatiekatu
- Provincial government
- (Församlingsgården) - the stop is only served in the direction of Ersmark
- Vasaplan
- Renmarkstorget
- Nygatan
- Lieutenantsgatan
- Parkvägen
- The Sun End
- Dalstigen
- Vallarestigen
- Kapellvägen
- The Wolf Road
- Mårdvägen
- Fogvägen
- Ystarvägen
- V.Ersboda C
- Snipgränd
- Måttgränd
- Ersforsen S
- Ersforsen N
- Bridge
- Gärssjöbäcksvägen
- The twilight road
- Wednesday Road
- Aftonvägen
- Ersmark
Line 8
Line 8 runs between Tomtebo and Östra Ersboda. On the night of Saturday and Sunday, it serves the following stops:
- Lyktvägen
- The source location
- Tomteboparken
- Nornaplatsen
- The Fairy's Way
- The Mineral Road
- Ålidhems C
- Ålidhöjd
- Greenhouse
- Universe
- University hospital
- Östermalmsgatan
- Rautatiekatu
- Provincial government
- (Församlingsgården) - the stop is only served in the direction of Ö. Ersboda
- Vasaplan
- Renmarkstorget
- Nygatan
- (Regimentet) - the stop is only operated in the direction of Tomtebo
- Kylgränd
- Snipgränd
- V.Ersboda C
- Ostkroken
- Byttgränd
- The core road
- Ö.Ersboda
Line 9
Line 9 runs between Röbäck and Carlshöjd. On the night of Saturday and Sunday, it serves the following stops:
- The Mantle Road
- Rosettvägen
- Röbäcks C
- Grusåsvägen
- Travbanevägen
- Klarbärsvägen
- Pear Road
- Juniper Road
- Wild Strawberries
- The outer turn
- Tegs Central School
- Tegs C
- (Obbolavägen) - the stop is only served in the direction of Carlshöjd
- Varvsgatan
- Vasaplan
- (Församlingsgården) - the stop is only served in the direction of Röbäck
- Provincial government
- Rautatiekatu
- Östermalmsgatan
- University hospital
- Klintvägen
- Laboratorvägen
- The Assistant's Road
- The student path
- Kolbäcksvägen
- Porphyry Road
- The Quarter Road
- Carlshöjd
Bus stops for Umeå University Hospital:

Description of the image Umeå University Hospital Bus stop locations. The picture shows which lines depart from which bus stops at Umeå University Hospital. The figure clarifies which stop locations are served by regional traffic and which by city traffic (Ultra).
City traffic lines (Ultra) depart from stops A, B, E and F as follows:
- Line 1 towards Ö. Ersboda departs from position A
- Line 1 towards Umedalen departs from position F
- Line 5 towards Strömpilen departs from position B
- Line 5 towards Ersmark departs from position E
- Line 8 towards Tomtebo departs from position B
- Line 8 towards E. Ersboda departs from position E
- Line 9 towards Carlshöjd departs from position A
- Line 9 towards Röbäck departs from position F
- Bus 72 towards the University departs from position A
- Bus 72 towards Umedalen departs from position F
- Line 75 towards Innertavle departs from position B
- Bus 75 towards Vasaplan departs from position E
To get to central Umeå, take lines 1, 5, 8 or 9 from position E or F and get off at Vasaplan.
Regional traffic lines depart from stops C, D, G and H as follows:
- Line 11 towards Nordmaling departs from position G
- Line 12 towards Skellefteå departs from position C
- Bus 14 towards Vilhelmina departs from position D
- Line 15 towards Vännäs/Bjurholm departs from position D
- Line 16 towards Vindeln departs from position D
- Bus 17 towards Robertsfors departs from position C
- Line 20 towards Haparanda departs from position C
- Line 21 towards Skellefteå via Burträsk departs from position C
- Line 31 towards Lycksele/Hemavan departs from position D
- Bus 55 towards Vännäs departs from position D
- Bus 63 towards Dorotea departs from position D
- Line 100 towards Luleå departs from position C
- Bus 118 towards Sävar departs from position D
- Bus 123 towards Obbola via Holmsund departs from position H
- Bus 124 towards Holmsund departs from position H
- Bus 126 towards Hörnefors departs from position G
- Route 179 towards Holmsjön departs from position D